Neek & Gerd

Neek & Gerd

Friday, January 14, 2011


So much debate, so much debate! People not only love to communicate but also to talk about it. Do we communicate to much? Is our communication safe? Why do we communicate? Endless debates that stretch over all of time because, guess what, we have always communicated!!! You may wonder the point of my mindless rant? Well, I am stating this because I thought I would do a brief piece on my "observations" on modern day communication. :)

Today we have so many forms of communication:

-tin cans connected to a string
-phones (and text)
-bulletin board


We went from the 1950’s form of communication (tin cans with strings, mail, and phone) to the 21st century forms of IM, email, and text. In 1950s people communicated in person for hours and now we communicate virtually for hours. In the 21st we have even come up with a new language within our language. We have taken words like, your, and shortened them to “ur.” We call it “text lingo” but it spreads to almost all forms of communication!

I am not going to far as to debate the many questions that are being considered in this day in age. I am simply trying to point out that things have changed vastly from just 60 years ago. So the next time you have a new “Status” and you post it everywhere just remember how new a concept that truly is. :D

Gerd the Nerd! :D

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