Neek & Gerd

Neek & Gerd

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kirby - Kirbie Coversation

Gerd: cool, mail me a cookie :P

Neek: i'm done mailing food. come here and i will make you cookies

Gerd: (>^.^)> ........ (>^.^)> .......(\/-.-)> ....... (.-)- [] ..... {knock, knock}

Neek: [] <(^.^<) {who is it?}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {Gerd!!!}

Neek: []<(^.^<) {who?}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {Doesn't matter, I WANT cookies!! Can I have one?}

Neek: []<(^.^<) {why should i share my cookies?}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {because I am hungry and I have desired a cookie all day.}

Neek: o<(^.^<)... {hmmm...} (>^o^<)... {* eats the cookie*}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {tainting me, please please may I have one?!?!}

Neek: (>^o^<) {om nom nom nom}

Gerd: (>x_x)> {Please give me one!}

Neek: o<(^.^<) {why do you want one?}

Gerd: (>-.-,)> {I have wanted one ALL day!!!}

Neek: o<(^.^<) {why?}

Gerd: (>-.-)> {they are so soft and chewy, the have a hint of sweetness that doesn't's a COOKIE!}

Neek: o<(^.^<) {hmmm.....* wiggles cookie*}

Gerd: (>-.-)> {not to mention I have come HOURS and HOURS to get here!!}

Neek: o<(^.^<) {* wiggles cookie*}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {*TAKES COOKIE!*}

Neek: <(0.0<)

Gerd: (^*.*)^ {got my cookie!}

Neek: <(0.0<) {wha?}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {thank you! I shall be leaving now} (>^[]^)> {*hug*}

Neek: <(-.-)>

Gerd: (>-.-,)> {no hug???}

Neek: (>-.-)> {i'm leaving...}

Gerd: (>^u^)> {it's your room }

Neek: []<(^.^<) {i slam my door in your face. muahahahahahahahaha}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {MEANY!! At least I got my cookie!} (>^o^)>

Neek: [] #<(^.^<) {well, i have a waffle, so ha!}

Gerd: (>^[]^)> {I have the face mask!}

Neek: [] <(^.^<) {have fun eating that}

Gerd: (>-.-,)> {*runs away crying*}

Neek: [] #<(0.0<) {waffle looks sooooooooo tasty}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {*runs to Waffle house and has a full course waffle meal*} (>^#^)>

Neek: <(-.-)> {waffle coma}

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Neek's gift :D

Hey, this is Neek. The wonderful Miss Gerd is posting this on my behalf. I am sick today. Gerd always helps take care of me when I am sick, but she doesn't want to get sick. She loves Kirby, so I wanted to make sure he didn't get sick either. Thus I made this for her. Enjoy! ~Neek ^.^

I so LOVE it! Thank you Neek!

Gerd the Nerd! :D

Monday, January 17, 2011

Link day follow up

(To combat all the history)
1.I don't know why i think this is so funny, but it kind of is.
an interesting gaming comic
2. our youtube channel is up and running now
3. my creative writing blog
Star-Crossed Voyager
4. a good book
random book
5. surprise!

~Neek ^.^

Link day!!

Mashable links:

The 5 Biggest Video Game Flops of All Time [COMIC]

We Hold These Tweets To Be Self-Evident [COMIC]

Other Links:

Steampunk Keyboard Mod

Greatest site!!

Super informational

This is a super awesome site that puts your social sieS all in one!

Super Awesomeness!

Well that's it!!

Gerd the Nerd! :D


Friday, January 14, 2011


So much debate, so much debate! People not only love to communicate but also to talk about it. Do we communicate to much? Is our communication safe? Why do we communicate? Endless debates that stretch over all of time because, guess what, we have always communicated!!! You may wonder the point of my mindless rant? Well, I am stating this because I thought I would do a brief piece on my "observations" on modern day communication. :)

Today we have so many forms of communication:

-tin cans connected to a string
-phones (and text)
-bulletin board


We went from the 1950’s form of communication (tin cans with strings, mail, and phone) to the 21st century forms of IM, email, and text. In 1950s people communicated in person for hours and now we communicate virtually for hours. In the 21st we have even come up with a new language within our language. We have taken words like, your, and shortened them to “ur.” We call it “text lingo” but it spreads to almost all forms of communication!

I am not going to far as to debate the many questions that are being considered in this day in age. I am simply trying to point out that things have changed vastly from just 60 years ago. So the next time you have a new “Status” and you post it everywhere just remember how new a concept that truly is. :D

Gerd the Nerd! :D

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Hello, my name is Gerd. I am a nerd. My sheep live in a herd. This is absurd.
I am too lazy, so my friend who is crazy, wrote this with a daisy. Her thoughts are hazy.
I love tradition, mathematics with addition. I need money for tuition. History is my ambition.
Spelling is my vice, but writing is quite nice. I’ll tell it to you thrice, I love rice.
Music that is old, is to me like gold. My fingers are quite cold; I’m sure you have been told.
Orange brings me joy. I do not like soy. What the heck is bok choy? I eat chips ahoy.

(Written by Neek. Gerd’s words I did seek. Written here with a tweak. This is unique. ^.^)


Since Gerd hasn't posted her introduction yet, I thought I should write the first link day post. Link days are where we bring you the fascinating things that we found while exploring the internet.
1. this map is AWESOME.
2.this was just funny
3. Gerd has been obsessed with recently, so might as well post a link for that too.
4. Nothing is up on it yet, but we are working on a YouTube channel to bring you awesome videos that we have encountered.
5. And one last link because I don't want to leave it at only four.
random surprise!
~Neek ^.^

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


HEY! I'm Neek ^.^ also known as the internet! I'm the creative, quirky, artsy geek, well, I mean, I'm not that geeky, but ya. :)
I and my dear friend Gerd are here to bring you the funny, awesome world of geeky nerdiness that we live in.
I'm in college and I am an aspiring writer and I'm hilarious when exhausted and hyped up on caffeine. I am the more modern of us two. I live in a world of fantasy and possibilities that i create around myself. I'm studying Creative Writing and either Spanish or Computer Science, we'll see how that goes.
Oh gosh, I just read over that. I kind of am a geek, huh? Oh well!

~Neek ^.^