Neek & Gerd

Neek & Gerd

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kirby - Kirbie Coversation

Gerd: cool, mail me a cookie :P

Neek: i'm done mailing food. come here and i will make you cookies

Gerd: (>^.^)> ........ (>^.^)> .......(\/-.-)> ....... (.-)- [] ..... {knock, knock}

Neek: [] <(^.^<) {who is it?}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {Gerd!!!}

Neek: []<(^.^<) {who?}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {Doesn't matter, I WANT cookies!! Can I have one?}

Neek: []<(^.^<) {why should i share my cookies?}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {because I am hungry and I have desired a cookie all day.}

Neek: o<(^.^<)... {hmmm...} (>^o^<)... {* eats the cookie*}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {tainting me, please please may I have one?!?!}

Neek: (>^o^<) {om nom nom nom}

Gerd: (>x_x)> {Please give me one!}

Neek: o<(^.^<) {why do you want one?}

Gerd: (>-.-,)> {I have wanted one ALL day!!!}

Neek: o<(^.^<) {why?}

Gerd: (>-.-)> {they are so soft and chewy, the have a hint of sweetness that doesn't's a COOKIE!}

Neek: o<(^.^<) {hmmm.....* wiggles cookie*}

Gerd: (>-.-)> {not to mention I have come HOURS and HOURS to get here!!}

Neek: o<(^.^<) {* wiggles cookie*}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {*TAKES COOKIE!*}

Neek: <(0.0<)

Gerd: (^*.*)^ {got my cookie!}

Neek: <(0.0<) {wha?}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {thank you! I shall be leaving now} (>^[]^)> {*hug*}

Neek: <(-.-)>

Gerd: (>-.-,)> {no hug???}

Neek: (>-.-)> {i'm leaving...}

Gerd: (>^u^)> {it's your room }

Neek: []<(^.^<) {i slam my door in your face. muahahahahahahahaha}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {MEANY!! At least I got my cookie!} (>^o^)>

Neek: [] #<(^.^<) {well, i have a waffle, so ha!}

Gerd: (>^[]^)> {I have the face mask!}

Neek: [] <(^.^<) {have fun eating that}

Gerd: (>-.-,)> {*runs away crying*}

Neek: [] #<(0.0<) {waffle looks sooooooooo tasty}

Gerd: (>^.^)> {*runs to Waffle house and has a full course waffle meal*} (>^#^)>

Neek: <(-.-)> {waffle coma}